What My Father Did

S. K. Epperson

He once sang a song to me called Brother Lowdown, and when I heard the lyrics I asked him to sing it to me again.  “Now all you card players, crap shooters, bootleggers too, listen to me sinners and I’ll tell you what to do.  If you disobey me then you better be afraid, cause you know I totes a razor and I wields a wicked blade.”   My first published novel was born in the song my father sang to me that day.   He died not long after it was published, but he did get to hear it was nominated for Best First Novel by the HWA.  I like to think it made up for him being mad that I didn’t finish all those Zane Grey books he bought for me when I was younger.   My best memories of my father are those songs he sang and…

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~ by S.K. Epperson on June 9, 2013.

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